Director of the AIM ACADEMY
The AIM ACADEMY of the SPIRIT is an integral component of AIM COUNSELLNG SERVICES under the leadership of Sandra Young Kolbuc. Sandra is creating spaces for women to gather together in dynamic thought provoking and life enhancing Women’s Wellness Retreats and Events in the beauty and serenity of the Kolbuc Quarters in the wilds of Northern Alberta CANADA.
Utilizing the media of yoga, music and an electric and eclectic array of therapeutic strategies, women will learn the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to kindle the flame of their spirits to A.I.M. with grace and grit toward the stars of their own universe wherever those stars may be. Such training will be sprinkled with the pow(d)er! of love and laughter as women join together to explore their incredible power to change their personal world and collectively to change for the better…their families, their communities and ultimately the world.
In the AIM Academy of the Spirit the Three R’s – Readin’ and ‘Ritin’ and ‘Rithmetic are replaced with the three R’s – RESILIENCE, REVERENCE and Self REGULATION where loving, laughing and learning in a rockin’ class with other seekers will make every woman the Valedictorian of her own life and an Honors graduate of the AIM ACADEMY of the SPIRIT.
Text 780-778-2211 to Sandra for further questions! Or difficulty with registration! Tech Trouble
Click each event for full description & how to enroll to attend.